One thought to “Big Titty Popped Out”

  1. Was sitting at the kitchen table having coffee with my mother in law ( who I have sex with , and love ) and came across this lady. I started getting hard immediately and showed the pic to her. She was suprized I was so turned on but I was I got harder and harder and began rubbing myself. She said , you really like her don’t you , and I said , she’s stunning, and. stood up and pulled my sweats and under pants down and showed her how hard I was. She said , wow , your not kidding. I started stroking myself and said I have not doubt I’m going to get off on her. She watched for bit and said , can I help you. I said , thanks but I want to finish this myself and continued. She watched a little longer and then said , we can go to the bedroom if you want. It was to late by that time and i said watch this and held my coc by the base allowing her to see how huge I was and shot out a huge load half way across the table , followed by 4 more blasts. She was in awe , and I said , I told you this lady turned me on. She looked and smiled at me and said , I see , that was sexy. I said , glad you were here., and walked around the table and kissed her and said , don’t worry , your still my number one.

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