Hubby Made Me Cum So Hard I Cried!

My husband is a sweet man, a good man, we’ve been together for 5 years, we have 2 children, and our first came very quickly into the relationship, needless to say, right from day one, we didn’t get a lot of alone time.

To top off covid mania, sleepless nights with crying children, and busy schedules, my husband also works shift work, two weeks away at a time, and when he’s home, he runs a full time business. The last year, everything culminated after our son was born, at the height of the first lockdowns, where we live, and our relationship grew tense. Its been a long year of ups and downs, but mostly, a long year of learning that if we want our relationship to survive, and thrive, we needed to seek outside help. Therefore, we got a therapist, and one of the issues I mentioned in our short bio to her, was that we needed help in the bedroom.

In the last two years, there hasn’t been much more than once or twice, where my husband and I actually took our time to enjoy each other physically, when he’s home, and if he’s in the mood, we usually wrap it up, in the dark, half asleep, in under ten minutes. Its all been very straight to the point, and as someone who’s sex drive topples her husbands, I’ve been craving much more.

Well, the last session we had with our therapist, was the morning my husband left for his last shift. The whole two weeks he was away, we spoke gentler to each other, stayed patient with things that drove us both crazy, and we communicated. Then my husband got screwed over at work, and said enough was enough. He made the decision, three days before he came home, to not go back.

The kids and I were thrilled, we baked him a cake, blew up balloons, and threw a “Celebration” (This was all my 4 year olds idea.) When my husband got home, he gladly put our daughter to bed, and when he came back to our room, he laid down, and almost immediately shut his eyes. I watched him for a minute, wondering if I should let him sleep, but no, I thought to myself, I’ve lost a lot of weight over the last two months, I look fine as hell, we hadn’t seen each other in so long, I thought fuck it.

So I stood at the edge of the bed, “Watch me.” I told him, and he looked up at me, then I slowly turned my perfect round ass to him, and stripped my jeans off slowly, I held my arms out and let my flannel shirt drop off my shoulders. I slowly reached behind me, and unhooked my bra, letting them both fall to the floor together, and just before I removed my barely see through white spaghetti strap tank top, my husbands eyes closed.

Then to my horror, he picked up his phone, and directed his attention elsewhere.

I sat down on the bed, and plugged my phone in. Then stayed turned away from him.

“What’s wrong?” he asked me, over my shoulder.

I rolled over, instead of pouting, and tried to put words to my emotions, “I feel like you’re disinterested in me, and it hurt my feelings, when you picked up your phone, instead of paying attention to me, while I literally strip for you, after asking for your attention” I told him calmly.

My husband thought for a moment, he struggles with articulating his thoughts, much more than I do. “I wasn’t looking at my phone…” He started, and I gave him a look that said “Are you kidding me?” he shook his head, “I wasn’t, I was setting an alarm, because I have a job interview in the morning, I wanted to set it now, because I was thinking, that when I’m through with you, I’m gonna forget all about it.” He said, smiling at me..

I blushed, and smiled back, “Oh ya?” I asked him. He nodded his head, and gave me a mischievous look

“Get up and strip.” He told me, I batted my eyelashes, and sassed him back.

“Make me.” I said he leaned over to me, and stopped before his lips touched mine,

“Get up, and strip, birdy.” He told me, quietly, but it sounded like a warning. I was instantly wet, but I couldn’t make it that easy on him.

“What’s in it for me?” I asked sweetly. He laughed, and slowly slid his fingers into my thong, gently brushing them over my clit and pussy.

“I’ll have to show you.” He said. I told him to put some music on, and I’d give him a show, so he did, some song by the weeknd, the beat was lazy and hypnotic.

I straddled him on the bed, and slowly rolled onto the tips of my toes, bringing my ass high into the air, while I stayed above him, softly kissing his lips. I stood tall above him on the bed, with a foot on each side of his waist, he watched me, eyes trailing up and down my body.

I touched the tips of my fingers to the ceiling for balance, as I pulled my shirt over my head, letting my tits bounce out of them, my nipples were hard with anticipation. I moved my hips to the song, circling them above him, with the same lazy energy the song had. He watched me, mesmerized. “Pull down my underwear” I told him, and he did.

Then as I lowered myself back down to him, He grabbed me by the ass, and pushed himself down on the bed. My head went between the bars of our bedframe, and my cheek pressed hard against the wall behind it. My husband lifted my ass in the air, arching my back in a full half circle, then pressed his tongue against my clit. circling it slowly, before taking a gentle nibble. I was moaning, and grinding against his face, and he slowly inserted a finger into me, making me squirm.

I trembled against his tongue, as he worked magic on my soaking wet pussy, fingering me slowly, and licking and sucking on my clit furiously, keeping me pushed firmly against the wall, and bringing his hand down on my ass 2, 3 times. I was crying out, so close to cumming, when my rottweiler growled at my husband from beside the bed. Fuck.

“Out!” I shouted, pointing to the door. She grumbled, but left the room, I reached out to shut the door behind her, and fell to my side. Defeated, I grabbed the water on my nightstand, and chugged it, then turned back to my husband with a smile, “My turn” I told him.

I kissed him down his tummy, and he grabbed my thigh, and flipped me around, so he could keep licking and finger fucking my pussy. I swallowed his cock, like the good little wife he loves, and kept it down my throat, letting myself slobber all over it. Then I sucked it all off, and massaged the base of his cock with my hand, while bobbing on the head of it, quickly. He moaned, and the vibration made my pussy clench in desire. I shoved his cock down my throat once more, and gagged all over it, when I lifted my head again it was drenched.

I pulled away from his grip, and sat down on his throbbing dick, facing away from him. He loved to watch my ass as I rode him, and he thrust into me so hard. Then sat up to grab my tits, and shoved me hard and deep onto his cock. After a few good thrusts, he wrapped his arm around my waist, and turned our bodies, throwing my face down on the bed. He picked my ass up again, and I pushed against the wall, trying not to scream in pleasure, and he pounded his dick into me.

He fucked me so hard, rubbing my pussy with his right hand, and pinching my nipple with his left. I could hear my pussy splashing cum with every deep fast thrust he gave me, and I could feel my orgasm building.

“Fuck that little pussy, baby, fuck it so hard. Oh my god, yes right there right there, faster, holy FUCK!” I screamed in pleasure, and as I did, he came with one deep thrust, sending his load so high into my cervix, I wondered later, how it didn’t come out of my mouth.

As I felt him fill me with his huge, hot load, my pussy clenched around his pulsating dick, my fingers flicked back and forth against my clit, applying just the right amount of pressure, and I squirted with all I had, at the same time, burst into tears. I felt my soul leave my body, with his dick in my cervix, leaving me feeling so full and used. My head swam, and my breath shuddered. My legs immediately began to tremble, and I collapsed underneath him, still squirting with my unbearably amazing orgasm.

The poor guy was immediately concerned. “Are you alright?” He asked me. I cried out, feeling the tears fall hard and fast from my eyes, I smiled and nodded my head, I couldn’t catch my breath, and every time I tried I cried harder. “Holy fuck” my husband whispered with heaving breath, leaning hard against me.

He asked me again if I was ok, and I managed to inhale enough to speak, “I missed you” I told him. I knew it was more than missing him, over his shift away, it was a culmination of every difficult day, every hurt feeling, and every moment of forgiveness, we’d persevered through, every night where I lay next to him, wishing for more. The connection I hadn’t felt in so long, was there, intimate and loving, and I was so spent. I came harder than I had in years, and the tender attention we showed each other left me reeling.

My husband finally got up from the bed, and sighed, “I’ll get fresh sheets.” He said, and tossed a towel at me, before leaving the room. I pulled it between my soaked, and shaking legs, and lay there, catching my breath. When I finally sat up, I saw the mess I’d made, tear stained sheets, a wet spot as wide as my face. At my feet, the bed was drenched in a large dark circle. I couldn’t stand, and continued to vibrate, as I reached out for my water again.

When my man came back, he asked me why I was crying, again. I laughed, and shrugged, “Have you ever cum so hard you cried?” I asked him, knowing he’d say no, but I laughed anyways. “I just did.” I told him, I finally pulled myself off the bed, and stumbled to the bathroom.

My pussy throbbed and ached as I wiped away the cum drying there. I moaned in pleasure again, as I felt my heart beat deep inside me. I touched myself, and jolted, trembling again.

I came back to bed, clean sheets, set, and sighed against my husband. He flicked his light off, and kissed me gently goodnight. But the room was hot, and the shaking in my legs, only increased the attention I paid to my tender pussy. Slowly under the blankets, I began to touch myself. I was instantly wet again, and moaned against my fingers at my sensitive clit. My Husband rolled towards me, and pulled my suddenly to him, slammed my ass into his once again hard cock.

“Yes, Fuck YES!” I moaned, unable to help myself. He ripped my thong back down, and shoved himself into me, without any help. I reached out to my bedside table, grabbing my vibrator, and pressed it to my clit. I was an instant mess, screaming into my pillow, and squirting all over my husband, again and again as he bounced me against his dick. I sounded gutteral, I couldn’t help myself, Orgasm after orgasm wracked my body, and I nearly cried again with the absolute intensity of the pleasure I felt.

My Husband grunted as he fucked me harder and harder, then quickly pulled out of me, and I stroked him quickly. “Cover me with your cum” I whispered, and he shot pump after pump, over my tits and stomach, there was so much of it, I felt it hit my lip, and flicked out my tongue to lick it off.

We both lay there panting, recovering our breath, before he finally groaned “Its your turn to change the sheets.” Sure enough, I’d soaked the bed again. I somehow managed to get out of bed again, I found a towel, and carefully wiped the cum off my body. Before grabbing a third set of sheets, and coming back to the room. He helped my pull the sheet on, and we collapsed together again. This time, sleep came quickly to us both, and we held each other while we drifted.

At some point in the night, I woke, naked, feeling the slick mess between my legs, and smiled to myself as I rubbed my thighs together. Went I went to roll over in bed, I noticed instantly, that my whole body still trembled. My arms, my thighs, and my pussy especially, I gently stroked myself for a while, circling my clit every now and then, but eventually sleep caught me again.

Now, I just need to convince my husband, to put that kind of energy into our sex life, on a regular basis. What a fucking experience. Literal, out of body, soul touching, incomparable pleasure, was all mine, and even thinking about it now, two days later, my legs shake and my pussy throbs.

Hope you enjoyed <3

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