Husband Sucked The Milk Out Of Me While We Fucked

About six months ago we had our twin daughters and sex has kind of been on the back burner, but last Valentines Day i gave my husband a sex coupon book that included a few coupons for his favorite things and a few for things that were kinkier than normal for us.

Today, my amazing MIL offered to watch the girls for the night so we could go enjoy the new Dr. Strange movie like real grown ups. After dropping off the girls we come home to get ready for our date afternoon when hubs tells me “Wear something easy access” and hands me a coupon for 1 full day of free use. We’ve never done free use before, but the idea was definitely exciting.

But before I had a chance to leave the bedroom I was bent over our bed and told not to cum. He pounded into me until I was panting and begging but he wouldn’t let me cum. It was a quick 10 minute fuck but it felt agonizingly long waiting for him to fill me full of his cum.

We made it out the door and all the way to the movie theater before he did anything else. About halfway through the movie he slips his arm around my shoulders and casually drops his hand down my bra. Both of our girls are breastfed so I didn’t expect anything except a nice hold. Nope. He pinched and flicked and lightly rolled at my hard nipple as milk spilled across his fingers. I was getting uncomfortably wet, squirming in my seat as he continued to roll my nipple between his beautiful fingers. When he finally pulled his hand away he licked Every. Single. Drop. Of milk off his fingers as I melted into a puddle of desperation at his feet. He had only tasted my breast milk once before the twins were born and it was an accident. “Better than that fucking popcorn.”

All the while I’m dripping through my panties. And when the movie was done? The fucker wanted to go have dinner. I’m panting, sweating, visibly in need of an orgasm and he wants a burger??

We made it through dinner where he made it a point to keep my eyes trained on his gorgeous hands, knowing how badly I wanted them wrapped around my chin or my throat. I practically raced him to the car. Vibrating with the need to cum. In the car he held onto the inside of my thigh drumming his fingers, knowing damn well what he was doing, until we got off the Highway and onto the backroads that lead to our house, where he slipped his hands into my panties.

I protested at first. “Uh-uh, free use means Daddy wants it, Daddy gets it.” He tapped my clit lightly, refusing to rub or massage her, just tap her lightly so that every bump was agonizing. “God you’re so wet.” Yeah, I am you fucking asshole. He teased my clit as other cars drove by and refused to let me put my dress down. He kept tapping even as we drove into the neighborhood until we finally parked the car. “Go upstairs, get in doggy, I’ll be there in just a minute.”

Don’t have to tell my horny ass twice. I stripped down to nothing, crawled on the bed and waited. When he finally came in I was dropping down my own legs. He crawled up behind me and gave me the rim job of my life, he knows how wet licking my asshole gets me and I was so engrossed in his tongue I didn’t even hear him open the nightstand.

He put a butt plug in my pussy as he continued tongue fucking my asshole before he spread me apart as much as possible. “You want me to spit in your little gapping asshole?” I have a massive spit fetish, and I was begging him without needing to be asked. When he spit in my asshole I swear I came a little. He pulled the extremely lubricated butt plug from my pussy and slowly entered my asshole as cum flows in rivers down my legs. Then painfully slowly he enters my pussy.

I felt every inch of his cock as he impaled me. I felt every grove, every vein, every throb and immediately came all over him. A few similar slow thrusts later and I begged for a new position, anything to make it less sensitive.

His mouth firmly wrapped around my swollen nipple as he sucked the milk out of me. I came. And came. And came again. I felt like I was at the end of my rope and begged him to please fill my pussy. He hopped on the bed, bent my legs back as far as they would go, and looked me dead in the eyes as he said “Your pussy is so swollen and wet for Daddy, I’m going to put another daughter in you so you’ll always be pregnant and ready for Daddy’s cum.”

I can’t tell you what happened after that. I’ve never cum so hard in my whole life. I immediately took a nap when it was over.

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