Single Mom Wants To Be Fucked RAW!

I had met her at a bar the week before, which had led to some drunken fumbling and a blowjob in the park. She had been eager and feral that night—as a single mom she didn’t get out much. And in my own drunken haze and horny desperation I hadn’t thought much about the logistics of everything. She had a babysitter that night, but it wasn’t something she could afford regularly. So now, a week later, I was waiting outside her apartment; she wanted to put her kid to sleep before letting me in. Finally her door cracked open and she beckoned me into her dimly lit place. I whispered at first before she assured me her kid was a sound sleeper and that we could use our normal voices. It was a small one-bedroom with a kitchen and a living room. Kid’s stuff was everywhere of course. She apologized for the mess as she brought us some beers.

We talked for a bit, sitting side-by-side on her small couch which was more like a loveseat. The beers helped some of the background melt away, to take the edge off of things. Our legs touched because there was nowhere else for them to go, and it wasn’t long before her hand was on my thigh. “We’ll have to make do here,” she murmured, almost under her breath. “The things we’re going to do here would definitely disturb anyone sleeping in the bedroom.” “Oh, yeah? What’s that you were planning?” And she gave a shy but confident smile, her fingers trailing up my leg, lingering for a moment over my bulge and then back down again. “Oh, just a few things.” She was trying to be coquettish but I could sense the animal desire just below the surface—and I wanted to beat her to it. I got up and then down on my knees in front of her while she sat on the couch. I slowly opened her thighs while running my fingers up the seams, almost up to her pussy but veering along the folds of her thighs up to her hips, back down and then back up again, before slowly unbuttoning her. I reached around her back to lift her up and pull down her jeans. It turned out to be more awkward than I expected, but maybe both of us needed the laugh as we struggled with her pant legs. I gave her a smile back and then started kissing my way up her thighs before teasing her glistening slit. She moaned, desperately, grabbing my hair to push my face into her. It wasn’t long before I was drowning in her juices, lapping at her clit while sliding a finger inside her. When I looked up a few minutes later she had taken off her shirt and was caressing and pinching her nipples while swearing under her heaving breath. “I’m going to, fuck, I’m going to…” She couldn’t finish her sentence before letting out a primal groan.

She gasped for a moment or two—but the next thing I knew I was on my back on the floor while she pulled my clothes off of me. Her mouth was quickly and hungrily around my cock. She took my hand and put it on her hair, as if telling me to steady her head while she took me deep down her throat. It was going too fast for me and after a few minutes I pulled her away. I stood up to figure out what we would do next when I stepped on a lego, yelped in pain, and collapsed onto the couch. It was another good moment of laughter, but she took full advantage of my seeming incapacitation. She jumped on me, and guided me into her wetness. “Hey, I should get a condom,” I managed. “No, no, no need. I want you inside me like this.” She was already grinding into me and I was in no position to protest. “God, your pussy is so fucking good,” I groaned, a pretty banal statement but words were not going to be my strong suit from here on out. I could feel her juices dripping down my balls as she pushed herself down on my cock, making sure I got as deep as possible into her.

“Fuck,” I said repeatedly as she looked down at me with a certain determination, her tits swinging in my face, my mouth sometimes catching a nipple or sometimes her lips. She pulled back for a moment, her hands on my shoulders. “I want you to fucking fill me up,” she hissed. “Really?” “Yes, yes, yes,” she growled and resumed her grinding. I grabbed her ass and pressed her against me as I thrusted again and again, speeding up to meet her increased pace. “Cum in me, I want you to cum in me,” she said in an almost calm voice. “Yes, fucking cum, in me,” she repeated, her voice rising. “I want it, I want all of it. Give it to me. Fill me up, fucking cum in me!” At that I lost all control and emptied myself into her, waves and waves of it, until she slowed her grinding. I stayed hard inside her for a bit longer as our mixed juices leaked out onto the couch. She remained on top of me, as if proud of her triumph. I didn’t know what exactly she wanted in the moment—to have me raw inside her, to know she could grind the pleasure out of me, the pregnancy risk, or everything at once. And I too wondered where my own desires were. We slowly untangled, kissed briefly.

“Um, you should probably get out of here,” she said. “I mean, I’m not kicking you out, but the kid will wake up early tomorrow morning.” “Oh, sure.” I kicked some toys out of the way, got dressed, and headed out. I can’t say I minded—use and be used I guess. Plus there was something about the lack of pageantry and the simple ability to say what you want and get what you want. That was hot in and of itself.

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