5 thoughts to “Big Boobs and Bush”

  1. She look identical to my first heart throb. , my best friends mom. At 14 and 15 we slept over at each others house all the time. Friday my house Saturday his. Sunday mornings he and his father got up early and delivered news papers..took about an hour and a half. His room was directly across from his parents room.he had two twin beds and I slept on the one closest to the door and I was able to see directly into his parents room. Soon as they left in the morning she would open her door , wearing a robe , go make coffee and then head to the bathroom in the hallway and shower , leaving the door open. After showering she headed back to her room with her towel on her head and in her robe. She sat at her make up dresser , which was against the wall by her door , leaving me a side view of her as she did her make up. I would lay there pretending to be sleeping but eyes half open watching her. This all became a routine over time , making me the happiest kid ever. After 15 minutes of make up she would take the towel off her hard , hang that on the door and then take her robe off and hang that also. I learned over time she knew what she was doing. With me just several feet naway she would turn on her loud blow dryer and stand there and dry her hair , naked. There was no way I wouldn’t wake up hearing the blow dryer, and she knew that. After 10 minutes of that she would proceed to curl her hair with a curling iron for 15 minutes or so. She would be looking in the mirror , turning from side to side acting the part but really allowing me to see all of her , front , back sides…everything.. she looked just like this women , stunning , and when doing the curls on the back of her head , last of course , she all ways faced me as she raised her arms up and pulled her elbows back , pressing her breasts out to the fullest, the best. She would finish up , dress and go to the bathroom to brush her teeth and come in by me to wake me , letting me know she was done and I could shower. This went on for a while , she would get me so hard in the morning I would beat off in the shower. One morning I got brave and as she was curling her hair I got up and had a hard on bulging from my shorts and stepped in her door way and asked if it was ok to shower. She did not flnch, and her eyes glanced down and seen my excitement. It was an awesome moment for both of us , she not budging or covering up assured me she is fine being naked around me and my bulge was my way of saying , yes I see you and yes it excites me and not afraid to express it. She didn’t give me a direct answer , and made small talk , continuing to enjoy looking at my bulging hard on as well as allowing me to enjoy her naked body up close. After a bit she said the bathroom is all yours. I went in and left the door open and undressed and before I jumped in she came in ,still naked and said let me get you a clean wash cloth. Thinking I would be shocked , I wasn’t and made no attempt to hide my hard on , rather turned to make sure she seen it clearly. She handed me the rag and turned and left , leaving the door open. I jumped in the glass door ed shower and started beating off. I glanced out and could see her standing in the hallway..watching. I loved it , I didn’t hide it , and got off as she watched. It was an incredible 2 years , and then they moved. I thought she was going to be my first…dam it!!!

  2. Been a year sence I seen this lady. Still love her , brings back such good memories, I think my friends mom kind of shaped me as far as what attracts me. I wonder if it would have been different if she was flat chested and shaved. Not complaining by any means , just growing up I wanted everyone to be like her. ..and that didn’t happen to often. Still gets me excited to this day thinking of her , how lucky I was at that age. Still wish she didn’t move , thinking she was on the wild side and wanted something young and I was going to be it. I can’t even imagine how great it would have been to be with her. Just seeing naked drove me crazy , my god to touch her breasts , feel her bush , wow.

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