Looks young to be Milf. Her breasts look so firm , hard and very perky , reminds be of my sisters when she was 18. I would love to give this lady a breast massage , it would give her goose bumps the way I would treat them. Would go slow and gentle , taking my time allowing her to enjoy my touch. Learned that early with my sister , being nice and gentle goes a long way , for both involved. Me 16 and her 18 , never thought she would be the one asking for a back and front massage. It made her feel wonderful , and as long as I was gentle she had no issue getting topless and letting me please her. Like this lady , awesome firm beautiful breasts , with soft pink nipples. I loved that she trusted me like she did , wrong maybe , but it made me feel special to pleasure her.this way. We both enjoyed our time together , and one time when I was done , I leaned down and kissed her on the nipple. Thinking I went to far , she surprised me and said that was a nice way to end. So that turned out to be the standard when I was about done. We both knew it was coming and her nipples would get so hard , and after a while I wasn’t sure who enjoyed the kiss more. Years have passed and from time time that comes up , and we both still agree that spending time like that together in the past was a special time for us.
She’s my sister and I love her , and I would like a chance to be with this lady also. Would love to pleasure her tooo
Showed my sister this post and she told me I should have told the whole truth about who enjoyed it more. For the year and a half we did this , I came in my pants / underware / pj, s every time we we did this and hide it from her for the first year. A year into it , my sister ended up having an orgasim and soaked her pj’s and the bed…big time , and that’s when I told her I have been coming in my shorts from the word go. From then on…The next 6 months , my sister put a towel on the bed and we both would get naked and at least our cloths and the sheets would be ok. And there was a huge for us when we started doing this naked. Not only did I come every time , my sister started too also. And if you can remember when you first started having orgasim ‘ s , you couldn’t get enough of them. Yes wrong at the time , but I was thrilled getting off on her and she loved that I could make her have orgasim ..again well never forget it. And as we talked about this yesterday we chuckled that surprisingly we didn’t have sex. Turns out we both had thoughts of it. Now 30 years later the memories are so fresh , we both raised are eyebrows. Her husband wasn’t going to be home for a few hours and we both decided we should finish what was started 30 years ago.
I owe this lady a big thank you. If not for her and sharing my post with my sister , things would not have turned out as they did.
The past 4 weeks have been incredible. Yes 30 some years ago played around with my sister and loved it , but that does not compare to what we have together now. Both of us married with kids , and wrong as it may be , can’t wait to be with each other.
Again have to thank this lady. Gave me a new start. Content having sex with my wife yes , but does not compare to the pleasure my sister and I share when we’re together. Wrong a little bit sure , but at this age it’s nice to have that passion back in our life. Everything is about making each other happy. I love going down on her as much as she enjoys having me in her mouth. Each time I come in her we only want to be together more.
Looks young to be Milf. Her breasts look so firm , hard and very perky , reminds be of my sisters when she was 18. I would love to give this lady a breast massage , it would give her goose bumps the way I would treat them. Would go slow and gentle , taking my time allowing her to enjoy my touch. Learned that early with my sister , being nice and gentle goes a long way , for both involved. Me 16 and her 18 , never thought she would be the one asking for a back and front massage. It made her feel wonderful , and as long as I was gentle she had no issue getting topless and letting me please her. Like this lady , awesome firm beautiful breasts , with soft pink nipples. I loved that she trusted me like she did , wrong maybe , but it made me feel special to pleasure her.this way. We both enjoyed our time together , and one time when I was done , I leaned down and kissed her on the nipple. Thinking I went to far , she surprised me and said that was a nice way to end. So that turned out to be the standard when I was about done. We both knew it was coming and her nipples would get so hard , and after a while I wasn’t sure who enjoyed the kiss more. Years have passed and from time time that comes up , and we both still agree that spending time like that together in the past was a special time for us.
She’s my sister and I love her , and I would like a chance to be with this lady also. Would love to pleasure her tooo
Showed my sister this post and she told me I should have told the whole truth about who enjoyed it more. For the year and a half we did this , I came in my pants / underware / pj, s every time we we did this and hide it from her for the first year. A year into it , my sister ended up having an orgasim and soaked her pj’s and the bed…big time , and that’s when I told her I have been coming in my shorts from the word go. From then on…The next 6 months , my sister put a towel on the bed and we both would get naked and at least our cloths and the sheets would be ok. And there was a huge for us when we started doing this naked. Not only did I come every time , my sister started too also. And if you can remember when you first started having orgasim ‘ s , you couldn’t get enough of them. Yes wrong at the time , but I was thrilled getting off on her and she loved that I could make her have orgasim ..again well never forget it. And as we talked about this yesterday we chuckled that surprisingly we didn’t have sex. Turns out we both had thoughts of it. Now 30 years later the memories are so fresh , we both raised are eyebrows. Her husband wasn’t going to be home for a few hours and we both decided we should finish what was started 30 years ago.
I owe this lady a big thank you. If not for her and sharing my post with my sister , things would not have turned out as they did.
The past 4 weeks have been incredible. Yes 30 some years ago played around with my sister and loved it , but that does not compare to what we have together now. Both of us married with kids , and wrong as it may be , can’t wait to be with each other.
Again have to thank this lady. Gave me a new start. Content having sex with my wife yes , but does not compare to the pleasure my sister and I share when we’re together. Wrong a little bit sure , but at this age it’s nice to have that passion back in our life. Everything is about making each other happy. I love going down on her as much as she enjoys having me in her mouth. Each time I come in her we only want to be together more.