Confessions of a Neighborhood MILF

It was the first street party of the year, I’d been assured that these gatherings were a regular thing, but I was still surprised to have been invited. I’d only moved into the area following my recent divorce. I hadn’t intended to go, but with the kids at their dads for the weekend, I found myself at a loose end and thought why not?

I’d been told to bring swimwear as Bob and Linda had a pool. I was wearing a modest two piece red bikini under a light sundress. Pausing in front of the mirror, I laughed and twirled around, I was excited. My first adult only interaction since losing the 250 lbs of dead weight I now got to call “the ex.” Mid thirties, 5”3’. I was still fairly slim with plenty of curves, weighing around 130 on a good day. I slipped a pair of sandals on and strolled the few hundred yards down the road. Linda was one of the first people I’d met when I moved in and she quickly became a close friend, but I’d only met Bob a handful of times.
Linda met me at the door with open and, she was a good few inches taller than me, her blonde hair, completely different to my deep brunette, her breasts a couple sizes smaller than my 36D ones, but she looked great in a black swimsuit and a patterned robe. She led me through the house and to the pool area. Someone had arranged a few sofas around the side of the pool, mixing them in with the usual sun loungers.

After introducing me to a few people I hadn’t met before, Linda left to get me a glass of punch. That gave me a chance to appreciate how good Bob looked with no top on. Easily over six feet tall, dark hair just starting to grey at the temples, standing there in board shorts, a beer in one one, presiding over the grill while a few other men stood nearby observing, the grill hierarchy obvious in effect with only one or two of them venturing suggestions to Bob. He seemed to be having a good time, smiling and laughing, not noticing me as I admired his broad shoulders, the toned arms, the not quite flat stomach. My eyes follow the little treasure trail of hair down his chest and stomach till his shorts interrupt my view.

“Cute, isn’t he?” Linda startles me as she hands me a drink. I blush and look away, embarrassed to have been caught staring.
“Honestly? Cute us an understatement. You’re a lucky woman.”

She laughs, as we sit on one of the sofas, she asks what I think of a couple of the single guys she introduced me to. AJ, with his personality shouting louder than his fluorescent Hawaiian shirt and Mitchell, his nature a lot calmer by comparison. Intelligent blue eyes hiding a subtle wit I’d found him instantly charming and we’d already exchanged numbers. I soon give up on trying to keep pace with Linda and she’s a few glasses of punch ahead of me when the food is declared ready.
Conversations fall quieter as we eat. The food is lovely and I gave to make a conscious effort not to go back for more. Soon the meal is over, the plates cleared away and while the men are gathered around the grill again, possibly discussing the best way to clean it, I don’t know. I decide to catch the last of the afternoon sun. I strip out of the dress, enjoying the brief pause in conversation as I catch Mitchell looking at me, and lay on one of the sun loungers.

With the buzz off the alcohol and the warmth of the sun, I don’t exactly sleep, but I do drift through the rest of the afternoon. Next thing I know, Linda is beside me, a bottle of wine in each hand, telling me it’s now jacuzzi time. I start to make my excuses, noticing that I’m the only one left outside other than her.
“Dont be silly, you’ve got no need to be anywhere else, and you wouldn’t really leave me all alone in the hot tub would you?”

The pouty, sad face she gives me makes me laugh so I follow her to the hot tub. The evening darkens and the wine bottles get lighter as we talk and laugh together before as all drunken conversations do, we stumble onto the topic of sex. I get to hear all about who’s having affairs and how a lot of the couples she knows are in open relationships. A little bell goes if in my head, but instead of thinking about it, I end up admitting that the last time I’ve as in a hot tub, it was during college and I was making out with another girl. Her eyes lit up and before I knew it she’d closed the distance between us to zero, straddling my lap so quick the water splashed over the sides as she kissed me hard on the lips.

I freeze for a second, my head spinning, my thoughts flashing like lightning. I have time to think that this is probably a really bad idea before my hands grab into her hips and pull her more firmly against me. My mouth opens for her tongue which finds mine a willing accomplice. I feel her fingers tugging at my bikini top, pulling it out the way till her hands find my breasts, nipples hardening at her touch. I squirm in place moving so that she can grind her hips on my thigh. We break the kids, my chest heaving as I breathe, the air thick with desire. I move Linda to the decking at the side, she pulls her swimsuit down as I join her, my hands helping. My lips find her tiny pink nipples and I tease them with my teeth and tongue.

I can feel her fingers running through my hair, pulling me harder against her. My right hand slides down between us, fingers gliding through her trimmed bush. She parts her legs with a moan and I part her pussy with a finger. I tease her mercilessly, sucking and nibbling in her nipples as my finger dances a rhythm on her clit. Her moans are getting louder, her hips bucking back and forth, reacting to my touch. I lay her back slowly and move so that I’m between her spread legs. I admire the view of her long slim body as I lower my mouth to her pussy. Exploring her with my lips even as my fingers delve deeper. I feel myself getting wetter, my own desire grows wild listening to her cries of pleasure. Her pussy spasms around my fingers, her back arch’s, her fingers tighten in my hair. She goes still and silent for a beat, a second, then her body shakes and shudders. She clutches me against her, holding me still while she pants for air, the world slowly come in back into focus.

I hear movement, I tense as I see Bob move into view in the corner of my eye. His deep voice rumbles through me.

“I see someone’s been having fun.”

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