First Time I Fucked A Married MILF

Three years ago, I had just started a new job and my hours were good enough to where I had enough time to work out during the week, rather than the weekend. The gym was just 10 minutes away from me. The top floor of the gym was machine weights and the bottom was free weights and cardio machines. A lot of middle aged to senior men frequented the cardio area, trying to decrease the size of their airbag sized guts. A few women, young and older would also take advantage of the machine weights for toning. I would sometimes go and start on the bottom floor just as a warm up, and because I did get off a bit on some of the older women staring at me when i’d wear my open-sided Tees. One day I pulled up to the gym just like any other day, into an unimaginable great parking space. Gathering my bag from the back seat, I noticed a car pull up right beside me.

I don’t know why but something kept my focus on this car and the passenger inside it. Instead of just continuing on my way into the gym, I waited like a creep to watch and see who got out of this Red Poniac Aztec. The window was cracked but not all the way. I could see their silhouette reaching down to grab something on the passenger side floor. I could tell it was a woman, but I just couldn’t make out any details. It seemed like it was taking forever and I decided it was silly sitting in my hot car, waiting on some complete stranger to get out of theirs. As soon as I got out and walked toward the building, I heard another door shut and knew it was the person I had been waiting on. I stopped myself from immediately looking back. I heard footsteps getting closer behind me and as soon as I reached the door I opened it and stepped aside to let this stunning Brunette walk in first.

Her hair was pinned up in a bun. She wore this Red-orange type tank with grey leggings. She obviously was no stranger to the gym. You could tell she was in her 40’s but had the body of a girl in her 20’s. 34C cup breast possibly but they looked so perfect they seemed fake. She had on these grey leggings that definitely showed she knew proper squat technique. In a way she kinda reminded me of Sarah Palin, only without the bookish glasses and no makeup. She said thank you in the sweetest voice as I held the door open for her and gave me a quick wink. I’m not usually this taken by mature women, hell any woman, but something about her made me feel like a 13 year old trying to ask out the prettiest girl in junior high or something. She was pretty popular too, she seemed to know the clerks at the front desk. They all greeted her when she went up to sign in, didn’t say her name though. It wasn’t until later after I finished my workout, and got on the treadmill she got on the one right next to me soon after.

She looked over at me to grab my attention. She wanted to talk. “Hi, Are you new here?” she asked me “Yeah I just moved into my new place like 2 weeks ago” I said. “Nice to meet you, I’m Kim” She said. “I’m Jake”. She asked where I lived, I told her and she explained how close it is to her. Somewhere in the conversation she told me about her 3 kids and her husband. I knew she had to have been married but I never saw a ring. We chatted on and off in between intervals on the treadmill, and wound up leaving at the same time that night. I told her I workout Monday, Wednesday, Friday and she said “Cool, so I guess I’ll be seeing you around”. Sure enough we did meet up at the gym for about 3 weeks straight. Our conversations had went from getting to know each other, to very flirtatious in no time. I would always say something like “You better be careful. What would your husband think of you talking like this to another guy? “She would usually say “She didn’t care”. She said “We could be screwing each others brains out right in front of him, and he probably wouldn’t even bat an eye”.

I remember I said “No but he would probably take a bat to my eyes” She laughed but assured me that there would be no consequences to us fooling around. I began to wonder If they’re relationship was so poor why not either seek professional counseling, or file for divorce? I asked her this and she said they tried counseling a year ago, but he refused to go after 2 sessions in. She didn’t want to get a divorce until her youngest who was 15 was off to college. Their whole situation was a mess, and it didn’t need me adding to it. I told her that and she looked sort of disappointment for a minute, then said in a satirical sort of way “Well, we’ll always have the gym”. It had been a little over a month and a half and I hadn’t seen Kim lately when I would go to workout. One day I had to go on a Saturday because I didn’t have time during the week. I went like 4 hours before it closed and I was shocked to see Kim there. I thought things were going to be awkward between us because we hadn’t seen each other for a while. I kinda thought she was avoiding me, but when I approached her she acted as if everything was normal, I guess because it was.

Nothing serious ever happen between us besides the flirting I had come to enjoy, maybe a butt pat or two but that was the extent. The gym was about to close soon so I changed out of my workout clothes, but she kept hers on. She told me that a friend of her’s had to drop her off because she had to send her car in to check about a strange noise it was making. I naturally offered her a ride home, we went back and forth with her not wanting me to go out of my way and me telling her it’s no bother. She finally accepted and called her friend to tell her she had a way home. When we got to her house, she asked if I wanted to come in. I told her it probably wouldn’t be a good idea but she was so persistent, I felt like I would hurt her feelings if I continued to decline. We walked in and all the lights were out. I knew she was alone, Oh boy, I thought. She asked if I wanted anything to drink I said nothing but she still came back with a bud light. She went and sat on her couch and told me to sit down. I told her I should be getting home and she said ” Stop playing the shy guy act and sit the fuck down”. I wasn’t sure what to say to that so I just sat down right beside her.

She put her glass on the table and she explained that her husband had left for the week to his home town, and her children were at her parents for the weekend. I said “Aww so you don’t want to be here all by yourself” in a condescending way. She giggled and her hand began to pet at my thigh. I felt an erection about to occur, she knew it too and started moving up toward my crotch. She leaned in as if she was going to slowly kiss me and then whispered in my ear “Would you keep me company tonight”. And with those 6 words I felt my pants shift, and a very apparent bulge started to show. I wanted to fuck her into the morning, I wanted to make her grit her teeth and scream my name. I had never been with an actual married woman, or at least one I knew was married up to this point. They were all divorced, separated or had either lied to me. I guess it was the thought of all that could go wrong, that I managed to gather myself together and say “I’m sorry I can’t”. I got up, and started to leave until WHAMP! she had thrown a pillow at my head, I turned around and looked at her. She looked at me with this brattish pout. I felt angry but I wasn’t, it was just a pillow. I picked it up off the floor went back over and placed it back on the couch not taking my eyes off her for a second.

When I turned around the second time, I knew she was going to throw it again and she did, harder this time. That was it, she for some reason had resorted to a child like state since she wasn’t getting her way. All of my feelings had collected into one big “Fuck It” inside me. I went over to put the pillow back again but this time, I snatched her up off of the couch and held her by the back of her hair. My heart was racing, her’s too from what I could feel against me. I took her over to the nearest wall and pushed her up against it. I’ve had spontaneous sex before but this was straight out of a movie scene, and I think she liked that. As I had her pinned up against the wall, holding her hands out in a goal post formation. I whispered in her ear. “So you really want me to do this to you?” “You really want to ruin your family” She groaned out “YES! please Fuck me!” “I want you to do it” She would push her ass back into my groin feeling my bulge and I would push her back to the wall.

“No” I said “I want to make it clear that you want this, YOU’RE” doing this to your family”. “YEEESSS!” she groaned again. Grabbing both her hands with one of my hands keeping her held against the wall,I started to shame her. I called her a borage of dirty names, “You dirty little slut, will do anything for my cock won’t you?” She didn’t answer, on purpose I bet. She knew I would spank her and that’s exactly what I did. SWACK! a quick swipe across one of her asscheeks got her to let out a sharp yelp, but not enough to get her to answer me. So I asked her again. “Tell me that you’re a dirty slut that will do anything for my cock” this time I pulled her sweatpants down, exposing her bare ass. I slapped her square on her ass wide open palm. She whimpers in pain but wanted me to keep going and I did, until my hand started to feel numb. Finally she couldn’t take it anymore and cried out “Yes yes I’m a slut I’m your dirty little slut”. “Yeah you want my cock don’t you” “Yes pleeeease” she said, I chuckled because I knew I finally had broken her.

I turned her around and stuck my tongue in her mouth before I pushed her to her knees. She licked and grabbed at my cock from outside of my pants. I un-did my belt, un-buttoned and un-zipped my pants and yanked my cock out from my boxers. She rushed my cock in her mouth sucking at the tip. I grabbed a fist full of her hair and began pulling her head back and forth on my cock. I could feel her tongue graze the bottom of my shaft. I grabbed her hair with both hands and started sliding her faster. After a few minutes of face fucking, we both made our way upstairs into her room. I shut the door behind us. I pulled my jeans off and tossed them as well as my shirt. She was still wearing her top but her sweatpants were lying on the floor downstairs. I went to up to her, she thought I was going to kiss her, but I told her to turn around on the bed. I got down on my knees, jerked her panties down her legs and just went face deep. She moaned louder than I had heard from her that night. My tongue basically assaulting her pussy turning her into a complete sexual maniac. Moaning and Groaning as she started to cum and gushed her juices all over my face. She pushed her ass into my face, wanting me to get deeper.

Both of us were basically on auto pilot, letting our lust take complete control of us. I told her to take off her shirt and bra, and lay on the bed she did while I quickly went over to where my pants laid, and grabbed a condom from my wallet. I crawled between her legs and rubbed my cock on her incredibly wet pussy, and slid it in so easily. Long, hard and powerful I thrusted into her. I wasn’t going to go to fast, not yet because I wanted her to feel every inch, every centimeter of my swollen hard cock inside her. She had her hands on the back of my arms, gripping my triceps but then I started to swing my tailbone in a circular movement. I hit every spot doing this, she couldn’t take it and slapped my back repeatedly until finally digging her nails into my shoulder blades, and dragging them down my spine. The pain of her nails in my flesh, only made me want to go deeper and harder. She was in so much unbearable pleasure, she didn’t know what to do. Her cries and grunts pierced my ears, while my head rested by her neck. She wanted me to stop but at the same time, she wanted more. I continued on, alternating from these short spasmodic thrusts to a more steady but equally forceful grind. I remember rising my head up every once in a while just to look at her. The expression on her face was always pure ecstasy. Her eyes were shut tight and her mouth agape, in between her breaths letting out hypnotic moans of satisfaction.

I was getting tired of this position and got up and told her to get on all fours. She wouldn’t move, she stayed their motionless except for her chest rising and falling, her legs still spread and trembling. I got down and started to eat her out. She jumped and told me “No no not yet, not yet, not yet” I climb back on top of her kissing her chest, I got up and whispered in her ear “We’re not finished. I’m not finished. Get on your knees” She said “Ok ok I am I just couldn’t stop cumming”. She staggered to get up on her hands and knees finally getting into position, I wasted no time submerging my cock right back into her pussy. I got back into the same rhythm as before, pounding her from behind, listening to her moan and grunt to the beat of our skin slapping up against each other. I could see her elbows start to give and she was falling lower and lower onto the bed. I grabbed her arms and folded them on her back so she that fell to the mattress, leaving her ass sticking up in the air. I soon fell too, right on top of her because my knees kept slipping on the bed spread. I grinned my cock into her as deep as I could, with her ass squashed underneath my pelvis. Sweat was falling from my forehead onto the back of her neck.

I felt like I should have cum ages ago but I somehow couldn’t, at lest not yet. I could tell she was getting tired she even said “You are wearing me out” at one point. I got up off of her, she stayed laying there on her back out of breath. I turned her over and put both of her legs over my shoulders. She was begging me to cum now, so I pumped into her hips in and out furiously until I felt myself about to burst. I pulled out, grabbed her head from off the bed, snapped the condom off, and came right in her face. She took it all like a true sex starved slut, and I fell right beside her. We both were drenched in sweat, sticky, our chests heaving. She got up and went to the bathroom to clean her face off, and came back to bed. We both fell asleep soon after. The next morning I woke up, coming to terms of what happened last night. She was still sleep beside me and for a moment, for some reason, I felt like a married couple or something. Her arm was wrapped over my chest and I could hear her lightly snoring.

I peeled her arm from around me and headed toward her bathroom. I took a quick shower all the while thinking she would probably join me but she never woke up. I put my underwear back on and I wanted to leave but for it was worth, I didn’t want to leave without saying goodbye. She woke up when I got back into the bed, and we talked for a little bit. She gave my ego just what it needed. She said that she had never been dominated like that. When her and her husband had sex, he would always prefer her to be on top. She also said she hadn’t cum like that since Freshman year of college. She told me her body was so sore this morning, I apologized because I knew I was to blame. I told her to tell me where she was hurting, and maybe I could massage it. She looked me in the eyes, smiled and dragged her hand over her pussy. I began to gently rub it and asked her how it felt. She was starting to get turned on again, and so was I. I kept going until she let out quiet little moans. I leaned over and kissed around her neck. She started rubbing my cock through my underwear, as it got harder and harder. It wasn’t long before I was right back inside her. This time around, it wasn’t as intense as last night, but still just as passionate. We had sex in missionary for about 5 minutes, until I pulled out and came on her stomach. After that day, we met on and off at different hotels because she didn’t want anyone seeing her car at my place, or mine at her’s.

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